Starting School

Welcome to Uffculme Primary School

'You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.' Dr Seuss

Starting school is a big event for all children and it may take some getting used to. It is a new experience, and it is quite normal for your child to feel all different sorts of emotions. They may feel excited, nervous, worried or reluctant. All of these emotions are okay.

As a school, we value the wellbeing of all children and see it as a foundation to their learning, Below are a range of really helpful resources which we recommend you look at to help you and your child to feel more confident about starting school and to ease any uncertainties you or they may have.

Getting to know my school

Welcome video

This video will take you and your child on a tour of the school, giving you an opportunity to revisit all the places your child will spend their time. By watching this regularly, leading up to their school start, it will help your child familiarise themselves with the school and increase their confidence about who they will meet, where they will go and what they will do.

Building positive, trusting relationships is what enables children to truly thrive in school and to feel safe enough to express their needs and to share their feelings. Sharing the photos below with your child will help them to begin to recognise the trusted adults in their school life and begin that relationship building.

Information for New Parents

Starting School at Uffculme Primary School

Reception Transition Booklet

Meet the Team

  • Mrs Hughes

    Reception Class Teacher

  • Anouska Blake

    Reception Teaching Assistant

  • Mr Wallace


  • Mrs Elkington


Understanding Emotions - How to support you and your child

Starting school can be an exciting yet challenging time for young children emotionally. Dr Sarah Temple has written a simple, informative book which aims to help parents and caregivers in knowing how to talk about emotions and feelings with their children and how to manage more challenging emotional outbursts. She has kindly offered a free, downloadable copy of her book 'All Emotions are OK' (click link).

Positively Supporting Separation

Reading the recommended books below in the week or two leading up to school may help your child to process some of the emotions they are feeling about starting school and build and grow their confidence.

The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

A lovely read to share with your child which playfully explores separation. A mother tells her two children that they are all connected by an invisible string - an invisible string of love. When sharing this book, you can enjoy making 'love bracelets' to tie on to your child's school bookbag or play 'can you feel me tugging on our string' when you are together or in separate rooms at home.

The Colour Monster Goes to School by Anna Llenas

A really enjoyable story, from a collection of fantastic books, which takes you on a journey exploring what 'The Colour Monster' thinks school is like to discovering the exciting adventure that lies ahead. It is a really good talking point to explore your own child's feelings around starting school.

Hug Button

A hug button is the simple act of drawing a heart on your hand and your child's hand, and telling them that when they feel sad or worried, they can press the heart button and it sends a hug to the other person. You can press them together to 'change' them as you say goodbye at the school gate.

Parental tips for Separation Anxiety

Create a short, simple goodbye ritual. For example, two kisses and a hug. However hard it can be to mask your own feelings, try to keep your goodbye 'positive' to help your child feel confident and self-assured about heading into school. Don't sneak away, let your child know you are leaving.

Be consistent. Try to drop and pick up at the same time each day to avoid the unexpected factors. A routine can help build trust and confidence for a child.

Be specific. Discuss with your child a time or event to indicate when they will next see you.

Greetings. When separating from your child, give them your full attention and love, followed by a brief goodbye. When collecting them, give them a warm greeting. Don't be concerned if they do not greet you joyfully, they may even be angry or avoid looking at you. This is normal - try not to take offence. In fact, it shows that your child is confident in their relationship with you and are able to show their true feelings. Let them know how happy you are to see them and how much you have missed them.

Practise. If you have not spent much time apart, practise this. Start with scheduled playdates, or visit to a family member's house. Build up time in order to prepare them for school.

Find your support. It can be very hard for parents when their child starts school. You are not alone. Talk to those nearest to you to gain support or perhaps write down your thoughts and feelings if you do not feel comfortable sharing. By working through your own emotions, this can help reduce your own anxieties and prevent your child from taking them on.

We are looking forward to welcoming your child to Uffculme Primary School as they start their learning journey with us.